Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Soooo, I Kind Of Have Some BIG News....

Well It's BIG news to me at least! About two weeks ago I put my notice in at work.'s official...I quit my job!

This decision came as a result of many things. Jeff's travel schedule grows longer by the week and I really have been struggling with balancing work and home. It seems like my mind was not at work when I was working. I barely got into the door at work by 9am and had to leave some days by 3pm to get Gabby to gymnastics, appointments, etc., so I gave it all up. I can't believe it actually! It was a bitter sweet moment and a very hard decision to say the least. I have always worked. It seems that this is all I knew how to do if you think about it! But, when I thought about how much my little girl needed me, how much I pawned her off on grandparents some nights when I chose to work late, and how cranky I was with her when I got home and how I took this out on her due to being so tired and exhausted...I felt so bad! I realized how much I had not been there for her like I should have been. This was when I knew I WAS DONE! I honestly could not be happier to be spending more time with Gabby at home! For now...that's the plan! We definitely have to cut back. No more expensive dinners out, shopping sprees every other weekend, fast food for lunch all the time. But, if you ask me, it is SO worth it! This has been a dream of mine before Jeff and I started our family. Even though it was kind of a sporadic decision and seemed to have been made very fast, I am SO VERY HAPPY! The happiest I have been in a long time!

Week 1 Report= So far, So good. I will admit that it has taken me a minute to figure out what it takes to be at home all the time. It takes a lot more creativity and thought than what I had imagined...but I LIKE IT! One thing I LOVE is that my house is clean( for a minute that is ;) I can get the things done during the day when Gabby naps. Things that I would stay up doing until Midnight-1am when I worked. I hope this lasts! I also organized my closets, cleaned the house, the attic and garage(Jeff helped with the attic and garage last weekend)! Gabby and I went to 2's and 3's time today at our local library. We met a few new friends and Gabby really enjoyed "jumping...jump really high" as she says! She also loved "toy time", "story time" and "bubble time" too! We plan to sign up for next week's session. It was really fun! Tomorrow our plan is to take a walk in the morning, blow bubbles, ride her convertible Barbie car, and then spend time with Grammy tomorrow night! I can honestly say that I love life! I have not been able to write these words for a long time! I love planning my whole day and life around my husband and little girl! Gabby seems to be adjusting well! She told Jeff tonight that Mommy was her "best friend"! Awe...but probably because we have been attached at the hip all week! No, I love it that she says that!

Jeff is so amazing! He has been so supportive during these last few weeks. It has really been a roller coaster of emotions and once the decision was made for me to quit he has been right by my side! I love him so much! He is amazing at his work and his role as a husband and father. I know he wants me to be happy and for this my love for him multiplies by 1000! This decision has made me more proud than I have ever been to be his wife! He sacrifices so much for Gabby and I and for this he is MY HERO!

So any mom's out there have any advice for me? For the longest time I have read your blog entries and hoped one day to walk in your shoes! I have to know some tips on what works and what might now work so much. Ideas or suggestions on scheduling, activities, crafts...anything!


Erin said...

I am SO excited for you!!!! YEAH!!!!!! What a blessing. I know I love it every single day - a very different life than working... but you're going to love it.

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

Thanks Erin! I could not be happier right now! I could just scream out of excitement! ;)

Anonymous said...

Katie, I'm SO happy for you! Staying at home is great, but it's a lot of hard work too. Sometimes even harder than a "real" job, in my humble opinion! And I can say that because I've been in both spots. But anyway, I'm proud of you for making this decision. It will take some getting used to, financially and otherwise, but it's well worth the ultimate reward, time with our sweet little ones! ~Ehrin Howe

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

Thanks Ehrin for your sweet comment! I am looking forward to all of the wondeful memories with Gabby that are ahead! It's hard to describe, but I just felt out of my element when I worked. I got used to it because it was something I had to do. Now, I'm so glad I am home. It is going to be a lot sacrifice as you said, but SO WORTH IT to me! Thanks again!