Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Just Gives Me The Warm and Fuzzies!

Check It Out! Our name plate is up at the Ronald McDonald House! Last weekend, Jeff and I were downtown for the Big 10 Conference and stopped by the Ronald McDonald House. Jeff, Gabby and I sponsor a room for a year through the "Share A Night" program at the house. At the end of a persons stay at RMH, the house asks residents to attempt to give 10.00 per day or make some sort of donation to assist with the daily operations of the house, etc. Sometimes families are unable to afford this. The "Share A Night" program is designed for people in the community, volunteers, past residents or anyone to help the house and sponsor a room for either a day, week, month or year. So the other day when Jeff and I were at the house, I ran back to check if our name plate had come in yet. It had and it just so happened it was already up! I was so excited to say the least! What's even more special about this is that our name plate is on Room #6 which was the room that that we stayed in five years ago when Ellie was inpatient at Riley Hospital.

The Ronald McDonald House continues to be so special to us!

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