Monday, August 23, 2010

Today Is One Of Those Days...

I'm sure we have all had "one of those days" right?  I have them all the time and always manage to get through them. However, today is worth blogging about. 

For instance, right now,{i love my child with all my heart and soul}, but she is seriously sitting on the recliner arm, and me in the recliner mind you, trying to stuff a play McDonald's cheeseburger in my mouth.  Oh,and she is trying to push buttons on the computer and the phone just started ringing.  Aaaahhh!  The only thing that comes to mind right now is, "how would I manage to do this with 2 or 3 or 4 kids one day"? Because my lucky number is 4 and I have always wanted 4 kids...until today maybe?

I sort of knew that today was not going to go well from the time I woke up. All my fault because I stayed up until 2am for some reason?  Not sure why,but I did.  So I sat up in bed, took a deep breath, prayed for optimism and a miracle!  It is only noon and the highlight of my day so far was traveling to the hospital this morning to have my blood drawn because it was "me time"and I could relax and collect myself!.  Random thought...Yay for Zumba in 7 more hours[insert: a backpack that just came flying through the living room and conked me right in the face as my child screamed, "Ni Hao"? off of Kai-Lan].  Deep down, I know what is going on with her.  She is just seeking my attention like a normal almost 3 year old and probably wants her mother to spend time with her.  I am feeling pretty guilty at the moment for blogging when I should really be fixing Gabby (and myself) some lunch starting a load of laundry or cleaning the kitchen floor that is covered in dirt from a planter on the screened in porch.  Yes, she managed to throw dirt in the kitchen when I had the door open for two seconds when we were coming in from playing outside this morning.  So see, I did spend some time with her today!  I am trying...but today I will admit that I feel like the lousiest housewife in America.  I am not proud of myself today.  I would probably justify myself to the wall and have a conversation with it if I had time and it would listen.  I seriously love this job as a stay at home mommy.  It is seriously the best job I have ever had in my life.  I never will give up or give it up, but just like have bad days at work.  And today is just one of them.  I will survive...right? 

A Mom's Gotta Do What A Mom's Gotta Do!  And this very second means a blog entry for me.  A post to get me through the rest of my day for starters and a post to also vent.  However, it is short lived because I told Gabby that once Little Bear was over we would move on with our day and now Little Bear is over(boo) and Gabby is back on the arm of the recliner, pushing buttons on the computer with a Capri Sun straw she found somewhere(lord knows where) and asking if I am "done with my sandwish".  She is now putting peanut butter on it.  I am so not guys are probably thinking, "i thought I was bad until I read this".  So I say again, "today is one of those days". 

The house is quiet and Gabby is not in sight...gotta go see what she is up to. 
Until next time...Pray For Me! 

Oh, and thanks for reading and not "x'ing" out at the top right half way through this post.


Erin said...

Oh Katie! Sorry you are having one of "those days!" But you know that we always do. You gotta do what you gotta do! hopefully you can get a little peace later - maybe movie time? And REST!

Kelly said...

I've had many of those days!!!! Hang in there! Get some sleep tonight and if tomorrow is a PJ day - that's ok! One day at a time, one thing at a time!

You're a wonderful mother and person!

Wish I was there to have a drink, vent, and unwind with you!

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

Thanks Erin and Kelly! Your comments are what keep me going! Zumba was an awesome way to vent tonight. So fun! Kelly, a drink and time with you would have been the bomb tonight! Erin would have definitely come too if you guys both lived closer... :( Maybe one day soon we will meet in person Kelly and Erin, I promise I will make to Naples with Gabby one of these days to visit you, Dan, Hopie and new Baby H(which I am guessing is another girl). Just a thought...but kind of have a good feeling about it. Take care guys! Thank God for Blogger world to get us through these kinds of days right! You both are trememdous mothers and an inspiration to me!