Sunday, February 7, 2010

SNOW DAY..Woop Woop!

Well, we got about 7 inches of snow Friday night and lots of drifting. I freaked out when I woke up and couldn't get out of the driveway Saturday morning! Thanks Uncle Jack for plowing our driveway...schwooo!

In the past, Gabby has not been too fond of the cold weather and playing in the snow. This year, I at least thought I would try to get her out and see if she had changed! Surprise...Gabby loved the snow! She actually threw such a fit in the garage when she had to come in and take a nap that I had to close the garage door. At first I thought the neighbors were probably wondering what the heck was going on. However, I soon realized that they have all seen Gabby throw fits a time or two!

So today I decided to take her out again. What fun we had! We made a snowman(yes...those are pickles for the ears and grapes for the eyes, nose and mouth. That's all I had guys),

went sledding,

played with Cooper

and shoveled snow!

I hear we are supposed to get more snow this week! I am sure we will have many more special moments in the snow soon. Until then...GO COLTS! We are ready for that Super Bowl game tonight!

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