Saturday, January 30, 2010

Date Night

A couple of weeks ago, we got together with great friends for "Date Night"! The girls try to get together once a month for "girls night out". Sometimes we decide to let the boys in on our fun and do date night. We decided to go to dinner and bowling. It was AFC Championship weekend so we decided to stay out of the city b/c of all the traffic. Bowling was so fun! We played boys vs girls as far as teams were concerned and did pretty well surprisingly! I do think the boys won but we will not let them think that! Ang took over in the end and scored strike after strike. How'd she do that? Oh what fun we have when we are all together! Check it out...

The Guys(minus Sasan)...never figured out where he was during this pic

The Fabulous Four



"The Girls". We always have so much fun together no matter where we are at!

Droppin' like it's hot(I've never gotten the hang of that move)

Ang and Kari


Carey said...

Okay Katie - my stomach hurts now from laughing so much at your "droppin' like it's hot" pic! THAT'S hilarious!

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

Carey, I really don't know how to do that move! I can't believe I posted that! Thanks for least you didn't barf b/c it was so gross! ;)