Each time we go to Creation Cafe downtown(which is my most fav restaurant btw) Gabby sees the Clarian Metro train and really wants to ride it. It is usually pretty late when we get out of the restaurant which means she doesn't get a "train ride". After a couple of nightmares where we had to literally force her into her car seat(ahh the wonderful 2yo stage) b/c she can't ride the train we decided to take advantage of this "free" venue :) and try it out! The metro was not built during the time that Ellie was @ Riley five years ago so this was a first for Jeff and I as well. Gabby LOVED it! She was very excited to look out the windows and view the city. She also liked the ads on the tv screens in the metro car. She thought she was watching tv! Although, I have to admit that she was pretty much
done at the end of the ride. And it also cracks me up that we have gone back to the restaurant two more times since the train ride(I told you I liked that place) and she has not mentioned riding the "train" again. I wonder if she thinks that it was not all it's cracked up to be. Hmmmm....I think so! :) Oh well...another memory that was made at least right!

I love this miracle so much! We are so incredibly blessed!

I love this picture...

Gabby! This is her face she makes when Mommy drives her nuts!

Mommy and Gabby
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