Monday, October 4, 2010

Our Weekend: The Zoo, Homecoming and A Bonfire...Oh My!

Gabby and I had the privilege of meeting Molly and her sweet baby, Emma, at the Zoo on Friday! 
molly, emma, gabby and katie
We had to give her the bows she ordered so why not make a day of it @ the Zoo?  We had a lot of fun!  Baby Emma is adorable and so full of smiles!
Gabby really enjoyed acting like a "big sister" to Emma...
Gabby spent most of her day on the ground for some reason?  Just one of those days I guess...
Thanks Molly and Emma for joining us at the Zoo!  We hope to have another playdate soon...
The last time I went back to my high school Homecoming was in 1998.  I figured(because a)we live in the town b) Gabby will more than likely be attending school in this corporation and c) our friends were going)that it would be fun to go!  We had a blast!  Daddy was out of town fishing so we had to fill our weekend full while he was away...  
ang and I before the game
the go blue sign that is lit every year.  the cheerleaders used to light this sign back in "da day".  i think I lit the "b" in 1997 and it was HOT! 
gabby and adalyn walking with emily
my little lady waiting for some candy @ the parade

I was kind of worried about keeping Gabby occupied during the game.  I honestly thought she would not last too long in the stands during the game.  Boy was I wrong...she lasted the entire game and loved cheering for the boys and watching the cheerleaders!  She kept saying Go...Fire(for Fight I guess)?  She told me on the way home she wants to be a "cheer la leader"!  Yay...Like Mother Like Daughter!!!   And NO I did not prompt her! 
Then on Saturday night, Gabby and I went to the Allen Family Bonfire.  I went to high school with Nic Allen and the event was hosted at his house.  I thought this was going to be a good ole' family cookout complete with roasting your own hot dogs and marshmallows around a campfire singing kum bah ya!  Well, it was that and MUCH more!  Like a band(Bandwagon was the name), bounce houses and great food!! 

WoW did we ever have a good time!  It was really good to see some high school classmates too! "Thank You Allen Family"!  I know it had to have been a lot of work to pull off that awesome bonfire and we had so much fun!  Since the invitation stands for next year, "count us in" already!!   
gabby having some "bounce house fun"!

gabby and a new friend, lily.

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