Friday, August 20, 2010

Fisher"woman" In Training

Definitely a Father-Daughter moment tonight.  I looked outside after dinner and saw this..
It Just Melted My Heart
I know how much Jeff wants "his boy" one day.  But, I love the way he is not afraid to turn our little girl into a fisher"woman".  Gabby loves her new "tinkerbell" fishing pole and has caught on pretty quickly with regards to casting and reeling. 

Tonight, Gabby got very excited when she would cast her line.  She managed to hit the mound of mums in our front yard and thought it was the greatest thing. 
Such A Happy Girl...Look At This Precious Face...

Let me just take a moment and brag about my sweet sweet husband.  Lord knows, I do not do this as often as I should. 
Jeff is the greatest Daddy in the world to Gabby and the greatest Husband to me!  After all, I am sure it is very difficult being the one and only male in our household.  Gabby and Mommy are not always in the best moods either.  Thank you Jeff for always working so hard so Gabby and I can have more.  I know this means being on the road and away from us but I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your profession.  I have all I've ever wanted and all of my dreams have come true in life because of you.  I could not be happier.  Thank you for being so good to us.  I love you!   

Gabby Adoring Her Daddy...And...Daddy Adoring His Gabby

So Blessed...And Feeling So Thankful 

1 comment:

Erin said...

Aw - this is so precious! I love capturing those sweet Father/Daughter moments! Priceless!